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Experience Feeding Wild Hyenas in Harar, Ethiopia

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Ethiopia, located in East Africa, is known for its rich natural heritage and historical sites, including UNESCO World Heritage sites like Lalibela and Axum. Among its unique experiences, there’s a remarkable opportunity to feed wild hyenas in the city of Harar, situated in eastern Ethiopia.

Harar is renowned as a significant Islamic city, with its center dotted with mosques and madrasas (Islamic schools). The city is also famous for its unique relationship with hyenas, with many wild hyenas living around its periphery. The hyena feeding experience takes place at a designated area in the heart of Harar, known locally as the “hyena shrine.”

As night falls, several hyenas gather in the square with the “hyena man”

Hyena Feeding Experience in Harar

During my stay, I received a call from my local guide about an opportunity to participate in the hyena feeding. The experience is conducted under the supervision of a “hyena man” – a local expert who understands hyena behavior and provides safety instructions, making this encounter with these powerful predators both safe and memorable.

Under the hyena man’s guidance, a hyena climbs on a participant’s back

During the feeding session, visitors can offer meat and bones to the hyenas. When shown food, these animals open their impressive jaws to receive it – a truly spectacular sight.

I paid 100 birr (approximately $2) to the hyena man for this unique experience. Beyond just hand-feeding, participants can experience having hyenas climb on their backs or feed them using a feeding stick held in their mouth – an extraordinary way to interact with these wild animals.

A rare experience of being surrounded by both wild hyenas and street cats

What started with two hyenas gradually grew to about five animals. They took turns climbing on participants’ backs – a scene that might look like a ritual offering to the hyenas from a distance!

Our local guide enthusiastically participated in the feeding, smiling broadly even as hyenas climbed on his back

Important Safety Considerations

The hyenas in Harar are wild animals. While they’re generally friendly towards humans, these “scavengers of the savanna” cannot be considered completely harmless. It’s absolutely crucial to avoid being bitten during the feeding experience.

Never provoke the hyenas or carelessly extend your hands or fingers, as they might mistake them for food. Wild hyenas may carry various diseases, including rabies, and even a small bite poses an infection risk. We strongly recommend getting a rabies vaccination before visiting Ethiopia as a precautionary measure.

Final Thoughts

This unique experience of feeding wild hyenas in Harar represents one of Ethiopia’s most distinctive cultural encounters. Harar itself is a colorful, exotic city with rich Islamic heritage, and the opportunity to interact with wild hyenas is extremely rare globally. For adventure seekers and those interested in unique wildlife experiences, Harar’s hyena feeding is an unforgettable activity!

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