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Amarula: The African Cream Liquor Made from Elephants’ Favorite Fruit

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African elephants are known for their massive bodies and incredible strength. However, there’s a fruit so potent that it’s said to be capable of making even these mighty creatures stumble – the Marula fruit. In this article, we’ll explore Amarula, a liqueur made from this fascinating fruit, and share our tasting experience.

The Marula Fruit

Marula fruit

Marula is a fruit that grows on trees belonging to the cashew family, native to Africa. When fully ripe, it turns from yellow to orange and is known for its unique sweet aroma and rich flavor. The fruit is an essential part of life for people in West African countries like Senegal, and it’s also a favorite among wildlife. What makes it particularly interesting is its natural fermentation process. Elephants are especially fond of Marula fruits, and there are stories of them becoming intoxicated after consuming large quantities, sometimes even stumbling to their knees.

Nature’s Own Alcohol Bomb

Marula fruits naturally ferment, producing alcohol content. This is why animals can become intoxicated when consuming these fruits – they’re essentially nature’s own alcohol bombs.

However, the actual alcohol content in Marula fruits is reportedly only a few percent, which realistically might not be enough to intoxicate an animal as large as an elephant. Perhaps these stories are entertaining exaggerations of the fruit’s mysterious properties, or maybe there have been instances where elephants actually became inebriated after consuming massive quantities of the fruit.

What is Amarula?

Amarula (officially known as Amarula Cream) is a cream liqueur made from Marula fruit. It’s produced by combining Marula fruit with cream, sugar, and other ingredients. With an alcohol content of 17%, it’s quite different from what you might expect given the tales of stumbling elephants. In fact, it’s a smooth, dessert-like liqueur that’s approachable even for those who don’t typically enjoy strong spirits.

The Taste of Amarula

Bottle of Amarula

Amarula features a perfect harmony between the sweetness and acidity of Marula fruit and the smoothness of cream, resulting in a creamy, milky liqueur. You can also detect hints of caramel and vanilla. The taste profile is very similar to Baileys Irish Cream. It’s a sweet, dessert-like drink that’s particularly popular among those who enjoy drinks like Kahlúa and milk.

How to Drink Amarula

Amarula can be enjoyed in various ways – on the rocks, straight, or in cocktails. When drinking it on the rocks or straight, it’s best served chilled. For cocktails, mixing it with milk or orange juice allows you to appreciate the unique Marula flavor in different ways.

The author’s preferred way to drink it is either straight or mixed with milk. It’s so delicious that it’s easy to keep sipping. Internationally, it’s also used creatively in various ways, such as in cakes or mixed with Nutella.

Where to Find Amarula

While the Marula fruit itself cannot be imported to many countries due to quarantine regulations, Amarula liqueur is widely available. You can find it in liquor stores, specialty import shops, and online retailers like Amazon.


We’ve explored Amarula, a unique liqueur made from the Marula fruit that’s powerful enough to allegedly knock over elephants. While its reputation might be somewhat exaggerated, Amarula is a delicious cream liqueur with a distinctive flavor profile and rich taste. If you’re curious, why not give it a try?


While Amarula has a relatively approachable alcohol content of 17% for a liqueur, please drink responsibly. This article is intended for readers of legal drinking age in their respective countries.

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